Make an Appointment: 785-333-3793 | [email protected]

  • Tatiana Ferraciolli, Life Coach

    Tatiana Ferraciolli, Life Coach


    Degrees and Licensing

    Yoga Instructor, Siva Yoga, Yoga Teacher, RYS Yoga Alliance Advanced Holistic Aromatherapy, Reiki Center of Venice, Yoga Practitioner, Yoga International, Human Movement Specialist, Brookbush Institute, Yoga Master, yoga journal, Post Pardem and Pregnancy Corrective Exercise Specialist, PCES


    In Person and telehealth


    Adults of all ages


    Anxiety, depression, trauma, sleep issues


    Private pay only


    Sunday by appointment


    Yoga, Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Reiki, Aryuveda, Aromatherap, sleep hygiene

    Tatiana is a highly skilled professional specializing in relaxation, aromatherapy, yoga, and healthy eating habits. With a deep understanding of lifestyle management, sleep hygiene, and natural modalities, she is passionate about helping others achieve emotional balance and well-being. Tatiana is also trained in trauma-informed techniques for relaxation and emotional release, particularly focused on anxiety management. She excels at enhancing performance through improved sleep quality, focus, and concentration.

    With her expertise in sleep science and holistic wellness practices, Tatiana guides individuals step by step in the art of relaxation through breathwork and meditation. Her dedication to promoting mental health and self-care makes her an invaluable resource for those seeking to improve their overall well-being. With a compassionate approach informed by years of experience in the field, Tatiana empowers others to achieve a sense of calmness and tranquility amidst life’s pressures