Trauma Therapy

Trauma treatment is not about telling stories about the past. Trauma treatment is about helping people to be here now, to tolerate what they feel right in the present. Bessel VanDerKolk

Traditional talk and cognitive therapies primarily focus on “top down” methods. If you suffer from post trauma symptoms, overwhelming stress or other symptoms, the top down methods that traditional therapies use will often not be sufficient or effective.

The goals of trauma therapy are to help clients move beyond the terror and isolation of their experiences, to break free of lasting wounds and unexpected triggers and a life of incomprehensible anxiety, fear, shame, rage, addictions, and relationship difficulties. Treatment uses bottom up or horizontal methods to help clients release memories, images and emotions stored or dissociated, and to break free from psychological and physiological symptoms in order to experience a full range of emotions freely and restore feelings of safety and calm.

When we experience trauma, we can disconnect from parts of ourselves. Our neurological system operates automatically in fight, fight, flee and fawn responses. Our trauma therapists help you reconnect you to your heart, mind and body and reassure your neurological system that you are safe. Our therapists use a variety of strategies such as somatic awareness, trauma narration, trauma based CBT and EMDR to help you find emotional regulation and stability.